Iowa City Regan Giesinger Obituary Death Cause Wikipedia

Unveiling Regan Giesinger's Legacy: Discoveries And Insights

Iowa City Regan Giesinger Obituary Death Cause Wikipedia

An obituary is a notice published to announce a death, typically including information about the deceased's life, achievements, and funeral arrangements. Regan Giesinger's obituary provides details about her life and legacy, honoring her memory and informing the public of her passing.

Obituaries serve several purposes. They offer a formal way to announce a death, allowing friends, family, and the community to acknowledge the loss. They also provide an opportunity to celebrate the deceased's life, highlighting their accomplishments and contributions. Additionally, obituaries can serve as a historical record, documenting the lives of individuals who have made a mark on their communities or society as a whole.

Regan Giesinger's obituary likely includes details about her birth, family, career, and personal life. It may mention her hobbies, interests, and accomplishments, as well as information about her funeral or memorial service. By reading her obituary, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of her life and legacy, and pay their respects to her memory.

Regan Giesinger Obituary

Regan Giesinger's obituary provides valuable insights into her life and legacy. Here are ten key aspects to consider:

  • Name: Regan Giesinger
  • Birth: Date and place of birth
  • Death: Date and place of death
  • Family: Surviving spouse, children, siblings
  • Career: Occupation, accomplishments
  • Education: Schools attended, degrees earned
  • Hobbies and Interests: Activities enjoyed
  • Achievements: Awards, honors, recognition
  • Funeral Arrangements: Date, time, location
  • Legacy: Impact on family, community, society

These key aspects shed light on Regan Giesinger's identity, life journey, and contributions. Her obituary serves as a tribute to her memory and a source of information for those who wish to honor her life.


Within the context of "regan giesinger obituary," the name "Regan Giesinger" holds significant importance as it establishes the identity of the deceased individual. Obituaries typically commence with the full name of the person being remembered, serving as a formal introduction and allowing readers to identify the subject of the announcement.

  • Identification: The name "Regan Giesinger" provides a clear and concise way to identify the individual to whom the obituary pertains. It ensures that the correct person is being honored and allows family, friends, and acquaintances to recognize their loved one or associate.
  • Personalization: Using the full name "Regan Giesinger" adds a personal touch to the obituary, acknowledging the individuality of the deceased. It distinguishes them from others who may share the same surname and demonstrates respect for their unique identity.
  • Cultural Significance: The inclusion of the full name aligns with cultural and societal norms surrounding death announcements. In many cultures, it is customary to use the full name of the deceased in obituaries, as it signifies the value and respect accorded to the individual's life and legacy.
  • Legal and Practical Considerations: Stating the full name "Regan Giesinger" also serves legal and practical purposes. It provides a clear and unambiguous identification for legal and administrative processes related to the estate and other matters.

In summary, the name "Regan Giesinger" in the context of "regan giesinger obituary" plays a crucial role in identifying the deceased, personalizing the announcement, aligning with cultural norms, and fulfilling legal and practical requirements.


In the context of "regan giesinger obituary," the inclusion of birth details, encompassing the date and place of birth, holds significant importance for several reasons:

  • Establishing Identity: The date and place of birth provide crucial information for identifying the deceased individual. This is particularly important in cases where multiple individuals share similar names, ensuring accuracy and clarity in acknowledging the correct person.
  • Chronological Context: Including the date of birth establishes a chronological framework for the deceased's life, allowing readers to situate them within a historical and personal timeline. It provides a reference point for understanding their lifespan and major life events.
  • Cultural and Regional Significance: The place of birth often carries cultural, regional, or historical significance. It can shed light on the deceased's heritage, family background, and the broader context of their life experiences.
  • Sentimental Value: For family members and loved ones, knowing the exact date and place of birth can hold deep sentimental value. It serves as a reminder of the special day and place where their loved one entered the world.

In summary, the inclusion of "Birth: Date and place of birth" in "regan giesinger obituary" is essential for establishing identity, providing chronological context, acknowledging cultural significance, and preserving sentimental value, all of which contribute to a comprehensive and meaningful tribute to the deceased individual.


In the context of "regan giesinger obituary," the inclusion of death details, encompassing the date and place of death, holds significant importance for several reasons:

  • Closure and Finality: The date and place of death provide a sense of closure and finality to the life of the deceased individual. It marks the end of their earthly journey and allows family and loved ones to begin the grieving process.
  • Historical Record: Recording the date and place of death serves as a historical record, documenting the individual's lifespan and providing a reference point for future generations.
  • Legal and Administrative Purposes: The date and place of death are crucial for legal and administrative purposes, such as issuing death certificates, settling estates, and handling insurance claims.
  • Cultural and Religious Significance: In many cultures and religions, the place of death carries symbolic or spiritual significance, influencing funeral rites and burial practices.

In summary, the inclusion of "Death: Date and place of death" in "regan giesinger obituary" is essential for providing closure, creating a historical record, fulfilling legal and administrative requirements, and acknowledging cultural and religious traditions, all of which contribute to a comprehensive and respectful tribute to the deceased individual.


In the context of "regan giesinger obituary," the inclusion of family information, particularly surviving spouse, children, and siblings, holds significant importance for several reasons:

  • Acknowledgement and Honor: Listing the surviving family members serves as a way to acknowledge and honor the relationships and bonds that the deceased individual held dear. It recognizes the impact they had on their family and the love shared within the family unit.
  • Genealogical Record: Obituaries often serve as a genealogical record, providing a glimpse into the deceased's family history and lineage. Including the names of surviving family members helps to preserve this information for future generations.
  • Support and Connection: For family members who are grieving, seeing their names included in the obituary can provide a sense of support and connection during a difficult time. It acknowledges their loss and reminds them that they are not alone.
  • Cultural and Religious Traditions: In many cultures and religions, it is customary to list surviving family members in obituaries as a way of showing respect for the deceased and their family.

By including "Family: Surviving spouse, children, siblings" in "regan giesinger obituary," a comprehensive and compassionate tribute is created, honoring the deceased individual's family relationships and providing a lasting record for posterity.


In the context of "regan giesinger obituary," the inclusion of career and accomplishment information serves as a testament to the deceased individual's professional life and contributions to society.

  • Professional Identity: The occupation listed in the obituary provides insight into the deceased's professional identity and the work they dedicated their life to. It showcases their skills, expertise, and the impact they had in their chosen field.
  • Recognition of Achievements: Highlighting accomplishments, such as awards, accolades, or significant projects, acknowledges the deceased's hard work, dedication, and the positive impact they made throughout their career.
  • Legacy and Inspiration: The mention of career and accomplishments can inspire others to pursue their own passions and strive for excellence in their professional endeavors. It serves as a reminder of the potential we all have to make meaningful contributions to our communities and the world.
  • Historical Record: Obituaries often become a part of historical records, providing future generations with a glimpse into the professional lives and accomplishments of individuals who shaped society.

By including "Career: Occupation, accomplishments" in "regan giesinger obituary," a well-rounded tribute is created, honoring the deceased individual's professional journey and the mark they left on the world through their work.


In the context of "regan giesinger obituary," the inclusion of educational background, encompassing schools attended and degrees earned, serves as a testament to the deceased individual's academic achievements and pursuit of knowledge.

Listing educational institutions and degrees highlights the deceased's dedication to learning and personal growth. It provides insights into their intellectual journey, areas of interest, and the qualifications they acquired throughout their academic career.

Moreover, including educational information in an obituary acknowledges the value placed on education in society. It showcases the deceased's commitment to lifelong learning and the positive impact education had on their life and career.

From a practical standpoint, providing educational details in an obituary can assist in compiling a comprehensive life story, especially when the deceased's professional accomplishments are closely tied to their academic background.

In summary, "Education: Schools attended, degrees earned" is an important component of "regan giesinger obituary" as it sheds light on the deceased's academic journey, intellectual pursuits, and the significance of education in their life and legacy.

Hobbies and Interests

In the context of "regan giesinger obituary," the inclusion of hobbies and interests serves as a window into the personal life and passions of the deceased individual, providing a more well-rounded and nuanced portrayal.

  • Glimpse into Personal Life: Hobbies and interests offer insights into the deceased's personal life, showcasing the activities they enjoyed outside of their professional and familial roles. They provide a glimpse into their passions, values, and unique personality traits.
  • Meaningful Connections: Shared hobbies and interests often form the basis of meaningful connections and friendships. Including them in an obituary acknowledges the importance of these relationships and the joy the deceased found in pursuing their passions with others.
  • Legacy and Inspiration: Hobbies and interests can become part of a person's legacy, inspiring others to explore similar pursuits or appreciate the value of leisure time and personal fulfillment.

By incorporating "Hobbies and Interests: Activities enjoyed" in "regan giesinger obituary," a richer and more comprehensive tribute is created, honoring the deceased individual's passions and the unique ways in which they enriched their life and the lives of others.


In the context of "regan giesinger obituary," the inclusion of achievements, awards, honors, and recognition holds significant importance as it showcases the deceased individual's accomplishments and contributions to their field or community.

  • Recognition of Excellence: Awards and honors serve as tangible acknowledgments of the deceased's outstanding achievements and exceptional contributions. They highlight their dedication, hard work, and the impact they have made in their chosen field or area of expertise.
  • Inspiration and Motivation: By recognizing the achievements of the deceased, their obituary inspires others to strive for excellence and pursue their passions with unwavering determination. It serves as a reminder that hard work, dedication, and talent can lead to remarkable accomplishments.
  • Historical Record: Obituaries often become a part of historical records, providing future generations with insights into the individuals who shaped society and made significant contributions to their respective fields. Including achievements and honors ensures that the deceased's legacy is preserved and their impact is remembered.
  • Celebration of Life: Achievements, awards, and honors are a testament to the deceased's life's work and dedication. Their inclusion in an obituary celebrates their accomplishments and the positive impact they have had on the world.

In summary, "Achievements: Awards, honors, recognition" is an integral part of "regan giesinger obituary" as it highlights the deceased individual's contributions, inspires others, serves as a historical record, and celebrates their life's work.

Funeral Arrangements

In the context of "regan giesinger obituary," the inclusion of funeral arrangements, encompassing the date, time, and location, serves as a crucial element that facilitates the gathering of family, friends, and community members to honor the deceased individual and pay their respects.

Funeral arrangements provide practical information that enables attendees to plan their schedules and make necessary travel arrangements. By clearly stating the date, time, and location, the obituary ensures that those who wish to attend can do so without any confusion or inconvenience.

Moreover, funeral arrangements hold cultural and religious significance. In many cultures, funerals are deeply rooted in traditions and rituals that bring people together to mourn the loss of a loved one and celebrate their life. The obituary serves as a medium to communicate these arrangements, ensuring that the deceased's wishes and cultural norms are respected.

In summary, "Funeral Arrangements: Date, time, location" is an essential component of "regan giesinger obituary" as it provides practical information for attendees, facilitates the gathering of loved ones to honor the deceased, and aligns with cultural and religious traditions surrounding funerals.


Within the context of "regan giesinger obituary," the facet "Legacy: Impact on family, community, society" holds immense significance in capturing the enduring influence and contributions of the deceased individual.

  • Impact on Family:

    An obituary highlights the deceased's role within their family, acknowledging their love, guidance, and support. It explores how they shaped the lives of their loved ones, leaving a lasting legacy of values, traditions, and memories.

  • Impact on Community:

    The obituary sheds light on the deceased's involvement and contributions to their local community. It may mention volunteer work, leadership roles, or initiatives they supported, demonstrating their commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of others.

  • Impact on Society:

    For individuals who have made significant contributions to society, the obituary serves as a testament to their broader impact. It recognizes their achievements, innovations, or advocacy efforts that have shaped or improved the world in tangible ways.

  • Preservation of Memory:

    An obituary acts as a repository for preserving the memory of the deceased. It ensures that their legacy lives on, inspiring future generations and serving as a reminder of the positive impact they had on those around them.

By exploring the multifaceted nature of "Legacy: Impact on family, community, society," "regan giesinger obituary" provides a profound and meaningful tribute to the deceased individual, recognizing their contributions and honoring their enduring legacy.

Frequently Asked Questions about Regan Giesinger Obituary

Here are answers to some commonly asked questions about Regan Giesinger's obituary:

Question 1: What is the purpose of an obituary?

An obituary is a written notice published to announce a person's death, typically including information about their life, achievements, and funeral arrangements. It serves to inform the community of the loss, honor the deceased's memory, and provide practical information for those wishing to pay their respects.

Question 2: What information is typically included in an obituary?

Obituaries typically include the deceased's full name, date and place of birth and death, information about their family, career, education, hobbies and interests, achievements and honors, funeral arrangements, and a brief reflection on their life and legacy.

Question 3: How can I find Regan Giesinger's obituary?

Regan Giesinger's obituary can be found in several places, including online newspapers, funeral home websites, and obituary databases. You can also contact the funeral home directly to request a copy.

Question 4: What should I do if I have questions about Regan Giesinger's obituary?

If you have any questions about Regan Giesinger's obituary, you can contact the funeral home that is handling the arrangements. They will be able to provide you with more information and assist you with any specific requests.

Question 5: How can I offer my condolences to Regan Giesinger's family?

You can offer your condolences to Regan Giesinger's family by sending a sympathy card, making a donation to a charity in their name, or attending the funeral or memorial service.

Question 6: What is the significance of preserving obituaries?

Obituaries serve as valuable historical records that provide insights into the lives of individuals and the communities they lived in. They can be used for genealogical research, historical studies, and to gain a better understanding of the past.

In summary, Regan Giesinger's obituary provides important information about her life and legacy, serving as a tribute to her memory and a source of information for those who wish to honor her.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the funeral home or visit their website for more information.


An obituary is a written tribute to a person's life, and it is important to write one that is both accurate and respectful. Here are some tips for writing an obituary for Regan Giesinger:

Tip 1: Use clear and concise language.

Your obituary should be easy to read and understand. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your readers may not be familiar with.

Tip 2: Be accurate and truthful.

The information you include in your obituary should be accurate and truthful. This includes the deceased's name, date of birth, date of death, and any other relevant information.

Tip 3: Include personal details.

Your obituary should include personal details about the deceased, such as their hobbies, interests, and accomplishments. This will help to create a more well-rounded picture of who they were.

Tip 4: Be respectful.

Your obituary should be respectful of the deceased and their family. Avoid using any language that could be hurtful or offensive.

Tip 5: Proofread your work.

Once you have finished writing your obituary, proofread it carefully for any errors. This includes checking for typos, grammatical errors, and factual inaccuracies.


Writing an obituary can be a difficult task, but it is important to take the time to do it well. By following these tips, you can write an obituary for Regan Giesinger that is both accurate and respectful.


An obituary serves as a tribute to an individual's life and legacy. In the case of Regan Giesinger, her obituary provides a glimpse into her journey, accomplishments, and impact on those around her.

Through the exploration of key aspects within her obituary, we gain an understanding of Regan Giesinger's identity, family connections, professional endeavors, personal interests, and the lasting contributions she made. Her obituary serves not only as a record of her life but also as a reminder to cherish the memories of those we hold dear and to strive to live a life filled with purpose and meaning.

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Iowa City Regan Giesinger Obituary Death Cause Wikipedia
Iowa City Regan Giesinger Obituary Death Cause Wikipedia
Iowa City Regan Giesinger Obituary Death Cause Wikipedia
Iowa City Regan Giesinger Obituary Death Cause Wikipedia